Yunhi Zindagi

By Tullika Rastogi (Author)

Language : Hindi
Pages : 51
Paperback ISBN : 9789357334075
Currency Paperback
Us Dollar US$ 6.20


Life continues with its music, sometimes on higher nodes and other times on lower nodes. Combination of all the nodes completes its rhythm. So are the feelings filled in life. Sometimes we experience good feelings with good times, other times it is tough to sail through. Different thoughts keep on surrounding our mind and every time. My parents inspired me and my family always inspired me to write what my mind says in situations. I have penned my different sweet and tough moments in my poems presented in my book "Yunhi Zindagi."

About Contributor

Tullika Rastogi

Writing poems, poetries, stories is my favorite way to express the moments of life. At different times in my life I have penned these creative writings to feel the moments.I have worked for a long time in Media Ad Sales and experienced many events, always found myself inclined towards creative writing. So now I am trying to connect with my audience through these creations.


Poetry : General

Poetry : General

Poetry : General