Marine soil improvement To Stabilize Harbors' structures

By Houssam KHELALFA (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 450
Paperback ISBN : 9789356649156
Currency Paperback
Us Dollar US$ 105.68


Maritime geotechnics is one of the most difficult specialties and is part of civil and coastal engineering. This book combines, defines and summarizes the role of the geotechnician in the coastal engineering, in terms of scientific research, design and construction. As this book cleverly collects between academic and professional side, so that ease to understand and solve the problems related to the conception, stability and construction of the maritime structure in an interdependent and complete manner. We have tried as much as possible in this book to give an academic and professional tool for geotechnicians so that he can get the knowledge and mastery of all the necessary measures and steps for the design and realization of maritime structures.

About Contributor


Dr. Houssam KHELALFA, PhD, is a researcher in Civil, Geotechnical & Marine Engineering at Selinus University (SUSL) and LGCE of University of Jijel. He produced several theories and models in the field of civil geotechnical engineering. He is the innovator of a Scientific Approach in Combining General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in One Theory. He is the Founder of a New Science of Merging Social sciences and Mathematics into one continuum (Social Mathematical & Human Engineering Sciences). He is the author of several Scientific articles and books, he is a reviewer and Chief Editor.


Technology & Engineering : Marine & Naval

Technology & Engineering : Civil - Dams & Reservoirs

Technology & Engineering : Civil - Transportation