Fate of World

By Seyed E. Zamani (Author)

Language : English
Pages : 162
Paperback ISBN : 9789358816341
Hardback ISBN : 9789358816358
Currency Paperback Hardback
Us Dollar US$ 10.88 US$ 25.08


Fate of World is a social book on Events in Political and social conditions of countries and fate of them .As many changes in developing countries and Europe with America Ruling in future time. As Climate Change ,Rising people against their governments , Social Crisis, Food and water crisis .Also Unrest for equality , work, immigration Crisis can cause different changes in fate of countries. We explained details on world social and political Changes with results on world discipline.

About Contributor

Seyed E. Zamani

The Author has Published Much Social and Story Books, Since 2005 by Amazon Publisher in America and Other World Publishers in English , German , French and other global Languages . You can also consider much published Books from this Author by Major international Publishers and also and also for more books Search ,please Visit the Author published books List through : Face book.com/ Parsian Zamani


Political Science : Government - International